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Sligo is a SIRO-powered town

SIRO, the ESB-Vodafone joint venture which is delivering Ireland’s first 100% fibre-optic broadband network to 50 towns nationwide, has today announced that Sligo will become the first SIRO-powered town in Connaught.

SIRO’s plans were presented at an event in Sligo City Hall, in association with Sligo County Council, Sligo Chamber of Commerce and the Sligo Local Enterprise Office on Monday 14th September.

The roll-out of SIRO’s network is currently underway in Sligo and services will be available from broadband retailers later this year.

SIRO’s key differentiator is that it is a 100% fibre-optic internet connection, making it different and better than any other broadband infrastructure in Ireland, with no copper connection at any point in the network.

This will mean that consumers, businesses, community groups and service providers such as hospitals and schools will be able to avail of a one GigaBit internet connection.

It will transform the internet experience of SMEs, remote workers and consumers in Sligo. A high definition film (4GB) takes one hour to download with a 10mbps connection, with SIRO it will take 30 seconds.

Rosaleen O’Grady, Cathaoirleach of Sligo County Council said;

“The provision of this high speed broadband infrastructure for Sligo is wonderful news.

It comes hot on the heels of a diverse range of highly positive developments for Sligo in recent times, ranging from the Cannon Ball Run and the World Boat Angling Championships last weekend, the Fleadh a few weeks ago, the work among Sligo businesses to introduce a Business Improvement District or BIDs in cooperation with Sligo County Council.

Other recent events such as Yeats Day, Yeats Tread Softly and An Post tour of Sligo and the launch of several wonderful walkways into which the Council has put so much effort and which will enhance our tourism product even further.

This infrastructure to add significantly to Sligo’s deserved and growing reputation as a prime location for business, including in the ever growing business sector which requires world-class broadband access. And all of this in a setting that is second to none!”

David Kiely, President of Sligo Chamber of Commerce said;

“The Chamber has been campaigning for some time for enhanced broadband at both a Town and County level.

The introduction of this infrastructure into Sligo is a very significant boost to both existing and future industry and enterprise which will benefit all of the Sligo community.

As the Chamber continues to advocate for Sligo as a location for foreign direct and indigenous investment, the availability of this infrastructure will add greatly to Sligo’s overall value proposition.”

Sean Atkinson, CEO of SIRO said;

“SIRO is delighted that Sligo will be the next location as part of our rollout. Atkinson continued “As a result it will help to bring more investment to Sligo.  Similarly it will lead to people being able to access the latest online services online in areas like education and remote working.

This will play a key role for a brighter digital future for Sligo, which we are very proud to be a part of.”

“We will revolutionise people’s experience of broadband with 100% fibre optic network, which delivers fibre broadband directly to the home, without the need for copper, delivering speeds of one GigaBit. This will have a transformational effect on Sligo as anyone starting a business will be able to compete not just at a national level, but at an international level.”

Sean Atkinson, SIRO CEO

John Reilly, Head of Sligo Local Enterprise Office also commented;

“The roll-out of SIRO in Sligo is particularly welcome news for Sligo businesses. It will position Sligo to fully engage in the ICT economy and will offer many businesses an opportunity to truly transform their current business model.

They will be able to take full advantage of the internet and increase their turnover and profitability by selling more in the domestic and overseas markets.

Sligo Local Enterprise Office  has been working constructively with SIRO for a number of months in conjunction with other colleagues in Sligo County Council and we are committed to assisting them to the fullest degree possible in rolling out and promoting this new and vital infrastructure.”

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