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Launching 10Gb Network Upgrade for Galway Enterprises

Broadband network operator, SIRO, has today announced that it has upgraded its broadband network to enable 10 Gigabit fibre connectivity for enterprise businesses in Ireland. Our CEO John Keaney made the announcement this morning at a gathering of Galway business leaders at the Galmont Hotel, after Galway became its first 10 Gigabit city in the country as part of its wider €20 million investment in the city.

SIRO is currently rolling out a 100% fibre broadband network across 154 towns and cities across Ireland, with services currently available to 430,000 premises and ultimately reaching 770,000 premises by 2026. Today’s upgrade announcement will see all Galway premises enabled for 10 Gigabit, followed by the remainder of SIRO’s network over the course of the summer. Services at this higher connectivity level will initially be limited to enterprise customers.

In Galway, SIRO network is available to over 33,000 premises in the city stretching east to west from Oranmore to Barna and including key business parks such as Briarhill, Ballybane, Monivea Road, Terryland and Parkmore.

Today’s announcement demonstrates the future-proofed nature of SIRO’s Fibre-to-the-Building broadband network as it has the ability to deliver higher speeds as data demand increases into the future. With works already completed in Galway, it is a significant development for the city and surrounding areas as it will help to attract further foreign direct investment, as well as empowering Irish enterprises in the region to compete on a global stage in today’s digital economy.

busy office with multiple devices 10Gb

Multi-gigabit speeds can provide:

  • Symmetrical speeds up to 10 times faster than the best standard currently available to most Irish businesses of up to 1 Gigabit. For context, a 10 Gigabit broadband connection is able to transfer 1 Gigabit of data in 0.8 seconds;
  • A future-proofed and reliable connectivity with the capacity to support the increasing number of connected devices used by businesses for years to come;
  • Enhanced data and network protection by facilitating network management systems which isolate and resolve cybersecurity threats and hacks;
  • The bandwidth needed for enterprises to integrate emerging and increasingly relevant technologies into their operations, including artificial intelligence, virtual reality, 3D technology or voice recognition tools.

colleagues using VR technology

Commenting on the launch of its 10 Gigabit-enabled network for Galway City, SIRO CEO John Keaney stated:Galway has long been a city which embraces technology, quickly leveraging innovation to drive economic growth and job creation. This has positioned Galway to successfully attract significant foreign direct investment and for its start-up businesses to compete globally. SIRO also has innovation in its DNA. As Ireland’s first 100% fibre network, operating as a broadband wholesaler driving greater competition and choice, moving up a gear to roll-out multi-gigabit speeds up to 10 Gigabit for enterprise, just makes sense. Higher speeds, increased bandwidth and much lower latency meets a growing business demand. More importantly, for us it’s about developing and deploying world-class connectivity infrastructure to support enterprise needs for years to come.

“With speeds of up to 10 Gigabits, Galway enterprise level companies can develop and use products and services of the future, today. Access to this level of bandwidth will also give Galway city a unique competitive advantage in a global marketplace,” added Mr. Keaney.

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