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8,000 Homes in Enniscorthy and Gorey to get SIRO Fibre Broadband By End of 2021

SIRO Ireland · SIRO Director of Corporate Affairs, Amanda Glancy Talks About the County Wexford Roll Out Plans.

SIRO, the joint venture between ESB and Vodafone, rolling out a new national 100% fibre broadband network across Ireland has today announced that the company is bringing fibre broadband to an additional 8,000 homes and businesses in Enniscorthy and Gorey. With this roll-out commencing in July; overall, SIRO is on a target to pass almost 20,000 premises across Wexford by end 2021.

Demand for high-speed broadband is greater than ever and SIRO’s 1 Gigabit fibre broadband is providing families and businesses with faster video streaming service, a seamless work from home experience and ability to work on multiple devices without lags.

SIRO’s fibre rollout in Wexford commenced in September 2016. Already close to 11.5K homes have been connected in County Wexford, including the towns of Enniscorthy, Courtown and Wexford town itself. An additional 8,000 homes and businesses in Enniscorthy and Gorey (and a small number in Wexford town where SIRO has already rolled out) will be passed by the company in the coming months – reaching close to 20K homes passed by SIRO by end of 2021. The total level of investment in the SIRO’s Wexford fibre broadband roll-out is more than €10 million.

Ronan Whelan, Chief Commercial Officer, SIRO remarked,

Wexford was one of our first counties in which SIRO commenced our national roll-out, so it’s a significant milestone for the company that we will reach 20,000 homes passed by year end.  We are pleased that SIRO’s roll-out continued even during Covid-19 restrictions, particularly as broadband was needed more than ever by Wexford communities over the last 15 months.

As more businesses migrate online, the world emerging post COVID-19 demands connectivity and a broadband service which matches the fastest and most reliable services found anywhere in Ireland, indeed globally.  Fibre broadband meets this standard and is also future proofed for ever growing data demands. Outdated and slower copper connections are no longer good enough and are holding individuals and businesses back in doing their everyday, but essential, tasks online.”

Almost 400,000 Premises Now Available on the SIRO Network

Over the past five years, SIRO has rolled out fibre broadband to 64 towns across Ireland, passing almost 400,000 homes and businesses in the process. SIRO’s fibre broadband network utilises the ESB’s existing electrical network, ensuring greater reliability and a greener network.

SIRO draws on both ESB’s heritage and on-the-ground knowledge and Vodafone’s telecoms expertise to roll out its fibre network. Fibre broadband ensures higher speeds, superior quality, and reliability far beyond what copper connections, being phased out across the world, offer.

The company also noted the ongoing work by Wexford County Council in promoting increased remote working in the county by those who, pre-pandemic, commuted to cities such as Dublin and to encourage Dublin-based companies to consider locating in the county.

Ronan Whelan noted:

The position taken by Wexford County Council makes complete sense. People want lower costs of living, less commuting and a better quality of life. Wexford has so much to offer in these areas such as high-quality office accommodation, affordable housing, great quality of life and all within relatively close distance of Dublin. The final piece of the jigsaw to make it happen is broadband connectivity. Fibre broadband is the gamechanger in shifting people and investment back into regional Ireland, with SIRO’s roll-out to 64 regional towns including those in Wexford, working to that objective.”

SIRO is a wholesale provider, meaning homeowners in Co Wexford can avail of SIRO-backed fibre broadband through 7 different operators which are Sky, Vodafone, Digiweb, Blacknight, Pure Telecom, Rocket Broadband and Carnsore Broadband. Businessowners can also receive SIRO through Rocket Broadband, Vodafone, Pure Telecom, Carnsore Broadband and Blacknight.

To check if your home or business can upgrade its connection to 100% Fibre-To-The-Premise Gigabit broadband, search your Eircode today.