What is the difference between Copper & Fibre Broadband?
Fibre to the Home (FTTH) is an access network method that delivers the highest possible speed of internet connection by using optical fibre that runs directly into the home, building or office. The SIRO network is built using the ESB’s overhead and underground infrastructure, ensuring a fast, reliable and sustainable network.
Fibre-to-the-Cabinet (FTTC) versus Fibre-to-the-Home (FTTH). In an FTTC connection, copper is used for the last piece of the connection (from tens to hundreds of meters) connecting the telephone exchange cabinet on the street and the router in your house. All the speed-of-light goodness of fibre optics is lost during this last stretch, and that’s why FTTC delivers speeds of no more that 100Mbps.
On the other hand, SIRO FTTH network connects 100% fibre optic cables all the way to your home, delivering speeds up to 2000Mbps (2Gb). Fibre is faster, more reliable, and superior to copper in many ways, as it removes all the bottlenecks commonly seen in a copper network. You can connect as many devices as you like, play HD games, watch Netflix and download movies without slowing down your connection.